List of Free ebooks download for your programmes, studies, research ,courses and self development
The followings are locations where you can get free download of eBooks for your academic research, studies, courses, leisure reading (fictions), programmes and self-development. They come in journals, reports, articles, textbooks, research, and documentations. These materials are in various e-format like HTML, PDF, etc. Please download neccessary softwares/devices to really enjoy their reading.
The table will be updated as time goes on , so try and follow this centre.
- Alex Catalogue of Electronic Texts on the Internet This is a catalogue site for classic literature of American and English as well. It also contains some Western ideology and philosophy, all in electronic text. Some text are originally written in English while others are translated into English.
- Cambridge Dictionaries
Online : An online dictionary in categories:
Bilingual English-Spanish/Spanish-English dictionary
Business English dictionary
American English dictionary
Learner’s dictionary
Idioms and phrasal verbs
In other dictionaries...
- : Just Free of charge. It provides literature, reference and verse through the unlimited access to books and information on the web for students, researchers and mind developers .Additionally; it has a special site search engine for locating
Reference: world facts,
dictionary &prose quotations, proverbs &maxims, thesaurus, oxford Shakespeare, Harvard classics, French’s wit &wisdom, English proverbs
,short sayings, U.S inaugurals ,world orations, bible etc.
Verse: verses from various sources can easily be sourced within the site.
Fiction: fictions of various categories and authors can be picked. Non-fiction: various essays, issues, authors, and books
Verse: verses from various sources can easily be sourced within the site.
Fiction: fictions of various categories and authors can be picked. Non-fiction: various essays, issues, authors, and books
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