Boost Your Public Speaking Confidence: 6 Effective Strategies

a man standing to address sitting audience in a board room


A lot of people find it difficult to speak in the midst of many people in a public. A friend of mine once found it difficult to express himself in any of his departmental meeting at his working place. At the end of each meeting, he would express his ideas and suggestions to a colleagues pointing out some facts he believed that could help as solutions to some issues mentioned in those previous meetings he attended. 

He is the type that likes expressing himself within his close friends but always finding it difficult to talk when opportunity present itself to him to speak in a meeting.  .

 Now he has gotten over his fear for public speaking. His company promoted him recently because he suggested some ideas during a general meeting.  Those ideas helped the company to eliminate some avoidable expenses. It turned out that his company generated more profit due to his good suggestions and ability to speak out in a meeting.

He shared some of the steps he took to overcome his fear for speaking in the public. Below are those steps he took and which I believe anyone too can practice to overcome the fear of speaking in the public. These steps are factors that have been practiced by many people to become confident in public speaking. Yes some are born to be bold and outspoken but others too can learn to speak publicly without fear. 

Nobody is born completely with skills to be more confident when expressing their views in an environment outside their comfort zone like home, little family gathering or close friend party. These skills can be learnt by following some of the steps that will soon be mentioned in this write-up.

a man raising his both hands and talking on a stage to group of people

Here are the steps you should follow to build self confidence when speaking in the public:

1.       Believe in yourself

The first defeat that can destroy all your intention to speak out your mind in any gathering is self doubt. When you start thinking that you are not adequate enough to voice your reasons or to question some unclear mentioned statement in a gathering of people. It can be in your working place, conference or chatting with some strangers in an event place. Self doubt reduces your confidence to speak. 

You can experience self-doubt because , maybe, you are not well dressed enough  to be equal with people around you, those around are older or more knowledgeable than you are, you lack adequate information on topic raised, or you just count yourself unworthy judging by your past experience in that kind of environment.


 All these are just limiting factors that your mind can bring up to create fear in you. If you find yourself in this kind of situation then calm yourself down within your mind.  Think of the first time you were happy speaking with one of your close friends.  At this current moment, picture everybody around you as your close friends; forget about how you look or what you know.

 Just believe in yourself and comport yourself confidently and speak politely. Do not be too lousy or too casual- Just speak plainly as you can since you have picture everybody around as friends.  Maintain good eye contact when speaking. Try it out. It works.  

This method brings out a kind of believing in yourself to speak because you have just programmed your mind and your thinking to see those around you as friends. As you know that  good friends  do not find faults in one another but accommodate and listen to one another – and those are the feelings you will get from them in that environment at that very time.  

No matter the  positive or negatives attentions from these , still view them as close friends and you will see yourself as part of this gathering which will make you to speak again when the time comes.


2.       Get adequate facts about issue to be talked about

Do you know that if you lack adequate facts and figures about a topic to be deliberate upon in an event can make you to be fearful to speak when the time come for you to stage your presentation. I am saying this if you find yourself to be one of those presenters in an event, especially if it turns out to be first time of you speaking in the public. The cure for this is not farfetched.


The only way out is to get yourself prepared by gathering all the information you will need ahead of that fateful day. Study and understand those records. Never leave any stone unturned. Gather and study every material that will make your speech and presentation applaudable at the event. It is better to be overly informed as a speaker than being found wanting through some questions coming from your audience or your host. 

Prepare those materials in a format that will make it easier for your presentation at the event. Have hard copies available as a backup just in case your projection device messes up at the event.


Now let us look at the other side of the coin for this scenario, if you find yourself to be among the audience in an event, what can you do to be able to speak confidently when such time comes? Being part of an audience does not make you to be just the listener at the receiving end.  You suppose to have prepared yourself for the event too.

 Read and do some reach that will give you an edge at the event place.  There is nothing more interesting than a presenter getting positive and informed feedback from a live audience.


 When you study materials ahead about topics to be tackled in your forthcoming event, you can boldly ask some necessary and insightful questions from the presenter on that day. It will boost your spirit to speak in such a public event because you know you are speaking from an informed side as an audience. 

Both the speaker and audience might also learn from you. Who knows? You might also be recognize as one of the contributors to the advancement of knowledge on the subject matter discussed on that day.  This step will further encourage you to always speak  in the public in the long run.


3.       Always dress to be comfortable in your appearance

In most event and public places people judge you by your appearance. Never dress in an unwelcome way to an event. Every occasion, even at a work place, has certain dress code to be followed for one to be accepted as part of such gathering. When you dress well accordingly you will surely feel confident and welcomed. That will give you courage to speak in such an environment. 

Having said this, do not get dress in an outfit that will make you feel uncomfortable. I mean this in all sincerity.  Put on something that will make you feel peaceful with yourself and acceptable by the standard of the event you are attending. Not only alone that, you will be having a desire to speak because you look approachable in your outfit.

a lady standing for a presentation


4.       Practice public speaking in your closet regularly

There is a saying that “practice makes perfect”. Most public speakers or orators do not become perfect suddenly - they practice and practice even in their closets.  Never wait until you are challenged, challenge yourself. When you are at home try and create a time to address your issue of inability to speak in the public.


Do this by creating a place for yourself where you can be talking and listening to yourself addressing some people you visuallise in your mind. Alternatively, you can invite some of your siblings, friends or colleagues at work to attend your practice session. Make sure that those you are inviting are people that can encourage you in this session. 

Practice eye-to-eye contact with them when speaking. Control your body posture while speaking or demonstrating with your hands. Remember to invite people or person that can honestly point out some mistakes in your presentation. This moment will often appear to be fun but do not joke with it.


Well, if you are the type that likes to work hard in the closet while the result is only noticed by the outward world, then you can still practice all alone. Interior decorations like wall mirror or a beautiful wall frame can be your companion in this session. 

Face the object and speak consistently on your desired subject while listening to yourself and adjusting accordingly.  This kind of practice is very common among public speakers. It will build your confidence and stamina when you find yourself speaking in the public.


5.       Study materials on public speaking

There are a lot of books, YouTube videos, podcasts, eBooks’ and online courses on public speaking. Make yourself available to all or some of these resources. They are also enriched in various techniques and practices that can improve your ability on speaking in the public. Some of them will show some more practical steps you still need to take apart from those we have discussed in this article.


6.       Always encourage yourself to do better than the previous moments.

The more you practice, the more you get better at it. Try to always push yourself to do more for your improvement. Make yourself better available toward public speaking opportunity that might come your way. This will continually build your confidence. It is something you learn by act, not by observation, meditation or studying about it alone. You need to put it into action so you can improve yourself.


Remember you can always be a better version of yourself when you practice and improve to overcome your weaknesses.
